New motifs fished out from PTS client: 58:Fang Lair, 59:Scalecaller, 61:Psijic, 62:Sapiarch and crown store-only Tsaesci, 64: Pyandonean.
Motif Information
This information is picked from PTS patch notes 4.0.0 .. 4.0.3 .
Fang lair and Scalecaller are new motifs which will be available in their corresponding dungeons.
Psijic Order, Sapiarch and Pyandonean will appear in Summerset.
[su_highlight]Update 2018-05-12: Images to light, medium and heavy armour, and some weapons added under each motif.[/su_highlight]
Obtaining Motifs
Tsaesci was already in Morrowind PTS but ZOS pulled it away. It assumably comes to crown store some time after Summerset.
Psijic motif is linked to the order. Activities that may reward a Psijic Motif chapter are, in order of most to least likely:
Completing Abyssal Geysers
Killing World Bosses
Completing Abyssal Pools
Treasure Chests (with higher-difficulty locks being more likely, and easier locks being less likely)
Killing Delve bosses
Killing monsters
Sapiarchs are high elf scholars. The Sapiarch Motif chapters (or very rarely, the full book) come from completing Daily Quests for the Divine Prosecution in Alinor.
The Style Item for Sapiarch Motifs, Culanda Lacquer, come from those same daily quests, but much more commonly than the Chapters.
Pyandonean motif is linked to Maormers. This motif is gathered by fishing (information not verified).
[bctt tweet="Summerset new motifs: 58:Fang Lair, 59:Scalecaller, 61:Psijic, 62:Sapiarch and crown store-only Tsaesci, 64: Pyandonean. #Summerset #ESO @TESOnline"]
Motif Images
58:Fang Lair
Fang lair light shirt and staff
This fits perfectly for spellcasters. They surely know how to throw those spellbooks. And i see a trend. When females get a bra chest males get funny straps.
The heavy armor falls to UNreasonably UNprotective armour. But not all armor have to be "serious", so i think this is okay and adds variety. [useyourdrive dir="17ib3SHl3w2ahTSrylrFk1cf4E8NqwrMu" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]
Scalecaller motifScalecaller light shirt and staff
Kinda dragonpriest but a bit unimaginative. The light, medium, heavy is like looking same guy at 20, 40 and 60 years old. [useyourdrive dir="1NmgUHgLfodqqG9Pxidc35iokZoZlgTlP" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]
Psijic motif
Psijic light shirt and staff
Another unimaginative motif, especially the light armour. But what can you do after 60 motifs when it must be to THE mages. "Make it look somehow magical. And they have an amulet." OTOH this motif actually looks like a high elf gear when comparing to the original from stone ages. Also i think it's better to keep the motifs slightly boring than going the WoW path. I like much more e.g. the shoulder pads in these motifs than those in that another game, three times bigger than heads, smh...
The medium and heavy set with sword and shield look better - like battlemages slipping few metal plates under their light dresses after getting bloody nose from Maormers. Nice shield. [useyourdrive dir="1j1KVbPe_kxcE0ELEeoQcnDOw0_QM0YTS" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]
Sapiarch motifSapiarch light shirt and staffSapiarch light robe and staff
I like this. I can imagine a scholar elf wearing this when it's few hundred years since last actual fight. That belt pouch is perfect. [useyourdrive dir="13ez_y0J2TxJ7ecWsWOQGvWgViwfj0cEI" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]
[adinserter block="2"]
There is no number attached to this motif, but i guess it's 63.
Tsaesci motif
Dat hat... [useyourdrive dir="1A83GS-bIBTRwzfSauEZ9dy8w3MY6Ze1u" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]
There is something fishy with this maormer motif. [useyourdrive dir="1wOgDucTpSxGRl7C5DIUwNmG84ng0X42V" mode="gallery" includeext="jpg|png" viewrole="administrator|editor|guest" downloadrole="administrator|editor" search="0"]